One Nation, Under God
On a recent bicycling trip, I paused along the trail for rest and a snack. It wasn’t long before a man came walking along the path and, making eye contact, I greeted him, saying, “Hello, it’s a beautiful day.” Thinking he might just respond in kind and continue along his way, he took my comment as an invitation for conversation and stopped to chat.
We exchanged several pleasantries including where we were from. When I told him I was from Monroe, he exclaimed, “All this way by yourself?”
Something quickly welled up in me and I responded in a bold, gentle voice, “I am not alone. I am protected by a God bigger than anything I might encounter.” (Or something to that effect … it sounds so much smoother when I write it here.) My response seemed so bold that it even caused me to pause. (Wow! Did I really just say that to this man I just met?!) He looked at me as if with fresh eyes and said, “Amen.”
Well, you might think this story could stop right here, but it doesn’t. What was said in the next 15-20 minutes was very interesting and caused me to ponder long after the conversation was over. He began with a story about how he remembered as a 5th grader saying, “One Nation, Under God,” in the Pledge of Allegiance. About people who put their hand over their heart when hearing the national anthem. How Seahawks Quarterback, Russell Wilson, does just that and what a wonderful, Christian role model he is for so many generations.
The conversation turned to even more pressing political matters and the important things of our nation. He remarked about how he couldn’t vote for either of the two primary Presidential candidates because he “had to vote his conscience.” He told me is planning to write in a candidate’s name; one that isn’t even on the ticket any longer. I listened … and listened … was he trying to convince me that I should do the same?
I didn’t share with him my silent thoughts which were that I considered this a cop-out. Did he think he fulfilled his obligation as a voting American to write in a name? It reminded me of a time when I was many, many years younger and my father said some of his buddies had written in “Mickey Mouse” on their ballot because they were so dissatisfied with the choices before them. I always felt this was a waste of a good ballot. Did writing in a name that is a former candidate for the Republican Party fall under this same criteria of “waste?” I wrestle with this question still.
I did manage to ask him what I thought was something much more important to consider, “In order to make a slight difference in the outcome of the November election, wouldn’t every person who wanted to write in a name have to agree on the same name?”
He didn’t really have any further answer for me; he reiterated the same reasoning, “I have to vote my conscience.” What does that mean exactly?
I can easily understand, “I’ve been in prayer and believe that I am being led to vote for ____.”
By the way, let’s be clear … Not a single one of the candidates is Jesus. He is not running for president and to expect any candidate to be as perfect as He is unrealistic. He is already our King, God is still in control, and yes, even in the midst of all of the political upheaval that is tearing the USA apart, He is the only answer that would save our nation … fully and completely.
So, I asked one more question of this man who stopped to chat … “Who were the Disciples? Were they perfect men?” No, they were sinners just like you, me, and the people who are running for office. What about Apostle Paul, the one who “breathed threats and murders against the disciples” (Acts 9:1)? Do we deny that God used his life in a remarkable way?
Isn’t it possible … assuming that you believe God is in control, that He can use anyone? Everyone? That God can use even someone who falls below the criteria we think would be a “good leader?”
This man, who chose to stop and chat, also chose not to respond to this line of questioning and we parted ways with a kind smile and a thanks for the conversation. I hoped he continued thinking about what I said and I hope you’ll also consider what I write here. In this season, as we prepare for this year’s presidential election, seek the Lord. Pray for our country. That His plan will be carried out. Pray for wisdom in our leadership; peace in the hearts of all who feel they have been wronged; and loving strength against injustice. Do not sit idle and wait for what may come. Nor is it the time to pick up another weapon, but our Bibles and lift our voices Heavenward. Be obedient to God more than to popular influence.
Our nation will get through this … prayer will make the journey more palatable and, when answered, will surely reveal a nation greater than we had ever hoped for. Let us not forget the words, One Nation, Under God …
#PrayForAmerica #donotdrawback #seekHim #turntoprayer
[box]“It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible.” – George Washington[/box]